Effective Communication

What is effective communication ?

Effective Communication

Although we can all communicate, not all our communication acts are effective. We must all strive to be effective communicators.
So, what is effective communication?
This is that communication which produces results. It is communication where the intended message is delivered clearly, and the desired feedback is achieved. It is communication that does not give room for misunderstanding. It is the best form of communication.
Communication can be effective or it can be misunderstood leading to ineffectiveness. Meaning communication must be effective. Ineffective communication is expensive to the participants because it blocks results. In other words communication is a matter of effectiveness.
Effectiveness is a measure of outcome. Effective communication therefore results in the form of desired outcome.

Effective Communication is communication that conveys information to another person efficiently and effectively and so achieves desired outcome.
It is important to note that not all communication are effective. This course aims to help the learners to become effective communicators both at the university and later in their professional fields.

Communication is a process that can be marked with error such as with messages muddled (i.e., mixed up by the sender, or misinterpreted by the recipient). Miscommunication is avoidable. However, if this is not detected, it can cause tremendous confusion, waste efforts and miss opportunities. In fact, communication is successful only when both the sender and the receiver reach a common understanding regarding the same information as a result of the communication process.
Effective communication is about receiving information from others with as little distortion as possible. Communication is a matter of effectiveness, which is dependent on the interlocutors‘ (speakers‘) communication competency. In other words its effectiveness is dependent on one‘s competency in communication. We can therefore say that communication involves intents and efforts from both the sender of the message and the receiver.

Effective Communication Skills

Effective Communication skills must include: communicating using
•    Eye contact & visible mouth
•    Body language
•    Silence
•    Checking for understanding
•    Smiling face
•    Summarizing what has been said
•    Encouragement to continue
•    Asking some questions

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