Good Communicator

Highlight the points on How to be a good communicator. 

To be a good communicator, one needs to:

  1. Express own reflections and ideas clearly
  2. Develop relationships
  3. Provide feedback (answers, reacts)
  4. Be open to others‘ feedback (accept others answer without prejudice, references etc.
  5. Respect attitudes and opinions of others
  6. Be tolerant to different customs and cultures
  7. Give full attention to people while they are talking to you.
  8. Encourage other people to talk, and ask appropriate questions.
  9. Present your ideas so that others are receptive to your point of view.
  10. Treat people fairly and let others know how you want to be treated.
  11. Value teamwork and know how to build cooperation and commitment.
  12. Strive to understand other people and to be empathetic.
  13. Be able to easily win people‘s trust and respect.
  14. Check to make sure you have understood what other people are trying to communicate.
  15. Follow through on your commitments
  16. Be able to work with people you have difficulties with without becoming negative.

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