Shell and types of Shell
What is a Shell ? Write short notes on different types of Shell .
An Operating is made of many components, but its two prime components are -
- Kernel
- Shell
A Kernel is at the nucleus of a computer. It makes the communication between the hardware and software possible. While the Kernel is the innermost part of an operating system, a shell is the outermost one.
A shell in a Linux operating system takes input from you in the form of commands, processes it, and then gives an output. It is the interface through which a user works on the programs, commands, and scripts. A shell is accessed by a terminal which runs it.
When you run the terminal, the Shell issues a command prompt (usually $), where you can type your input, which is then executed when you hit the Enter key. The output or the result is thereafter displayed on the terminal.
The Shell wraps around the delicate interior of an Operating system protecting it from accidental damage. Hence the name Shell.
Types of Shell
There are two main shells in Linux:
1. The Bourne Shell: The prompt for this shell is $ and its derivatives are listed below:
- POSIX shell also is known as sh
- Korn Shell also knew as sh
- Bourne Again SHell also knew as bash (most popular)
2. The C shell: The prompt for this shell is %, and its subcategories are:
- C shell also is known as csh
- Tops C shell also is known as tcsh