A string is usually a bit of text (sequence of characters). In Python we use " (double quotes) or ' (single quotes) to represent a string. In this guide we will see how to create, access, use and manipulate strings in Python programming language.
1. How to create a String in Python
There are several ways to create strings in Python.
1. We can use ' (single quotes), see the string str in the following code.
2. We can use " (double quotes), see the string str2 in the source code below.
3. Triple double quotes "''" and triple single quotes "' are used for creating multi-line strings in Python. See the strings str3 and str4 in the following example.
# lets see the ways to create strings in Python
str = 'noidatut'
str2 = "noida"
# multi-line string
str3 = """Welcome to"""
str4 = '''This is a tech
2. How to access strings in Python
A string is nothing but an array of characters so we can use the indexes to access the characters of a it. Just like arrays, the indexes start from 0 to the length-1.
You will get IndexError if you try to access the character which is not in the range. For example,
if a string is of length 6 and you try to access the 8th char of it then you will get this error.
You will get TypeError if you do not use integers as indexes, for example if you use a float as an index then you will get this error.
str = "Kevin"
# displaying whole string
# displaying first character of string
# displaying third character of string
# displaying the last character of the string
# displaying the second last char of string
Kevin K v n i
3. Python String Operations
Lets see the operations that can be performed on the strings.
Getting a substring in Python - Slicing operation
We can slice a string to get a substring out of it. To understand the concept of slicing we must understand the positive and negative indexes in Python (see the example above to understand this). Lets take a look at the few examples of slicing.
str = "Beginnersbook" # displaying whole string print("The original string is: ", str) # slicing 10th to the last character print("str[9:]: ", str[9:]) # slicing 3rd to 6th character print("str[2:6]: ", str[2:6]) # slicing from start to the 9th character print("str[:9]: ", str[:9]) # slicing from 10th to second last character print("str[9:-1]: ", str[9:-1])
The original string is: Beginnersbook str[9:]: book str[2:6]: ginn str[:9]: Beginners str[9:-1]: boo
Concatenation of strings in Python
The + operator is used for string concatenation in Python. Lets take an example to understand this:
str1 = "One"
str2 = "Two"
str3 = "Three"
# Concatenation of three strings
print(str1 + str2 + str3)
Note: When + operator is used on numbers it adds them but when it used on strings it concatenates them. However if you try to use this between string and number then it will throw TypeError.
4. How to get a sublist in Python using slicing
For example:
s = "one" n = 2 print(s+n)
TypeError: must be str, not int
Repetition of string - Replication operator
We can use * operator to repeat a string by specified number of times.
str = "ABC"
# repeating the string str by 3 times
Python Membership Operators in Strings
in: This checks whether a string is present in another string or not. It returns true if the entire string is found else it returns false. not in: It works just opposite to what "in" operator does. It returns true if the string is not found in the specified string else it returns false.
str = "Welcome to"
str2 = "Welcome"
str3 = "noida"
str4 = "XYZ"
# str2 is in str? True
print(str2 in str)
# str3 is in str? False
print(str3 in str)
# str4 not in str? True
print(str4 not in str)
Python - Relational Operators on Strings
The relational operators works on strings based on the ASCII values of characters.
The ASCII value of a is 97, b is 98 and so on.
The ASCII value of A is 65, B is 66 and so on.
str = "ABC"
str2 = "aBC"
str3 = "XYZ"
str4 = "XYz"
# ASCII value of str2 is > str? True
print(str2 > str)
# ASCII value of str3 is > str4? False
print(str3 > str4)
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