Set clear() Method with examples

The clear() method in Python removes all the elements from a given Set.

Python Set clear() method Syntax


Parameter: None. This method doesn't take any parameters..
Return value: This method doesn't return any value, it just removes all the items from the set.

Python Set clear() method example

In the following example we have a set of numbers and we are calling clear() method to remove all the elements of this set.

# A Set of numbers
numbers = {5, 8, 10, 9, 1}

# Displaying set before executing clear()
print("Original Set is:", numbers)

# removing all the elements from the set

# displaying set after calling clear()
print("Updated Set is:", numbers)

As you can see in the output that there are no elements in the set after we have called the clear() method. If you want to remove a specific element from the Set then using remove() or discard() method.

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