Sending OTP Sms using Text Local
Sending OTP Sms using Text Local in a view to verify the mobile number as well as get the otp. Sending otp is one of the most secured way to check the validity of the mobile number as well as validate the user. The web application will use the credits from text local to send sms. Text local is one of the most popular set up used to send sms on mobile phones from web . Text local will provide you ten sms per account for free to check the set up. Text local assures the delevry of sms upto 97 percent.
Please follow the steps to run the project
1. Download the zip file and unzip in the local host in a folder.
2. Create a database mentioned in the connection files.
3. Import the sql files attached with .
4. Recheck the database and user name .
5. Execute the file .
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