Online Voting System in PHP MySql
Online Voting System in PHP MySql is a web application where votes can vote online . The project has two pannels. Admin can add voters list, as well as application in the voter. User can login and vote . The id of the voters is generated by the admin hence a voter can vote only once. This is one of the most demanded project in current scenerio and finds its application in various voting system . The credidentials of the admin pannel is appended in the zip file. The project can used by the students as their final year project . The project is only for learning process.
Please follow the steps to run the project
1. Download the zip file and unzip in the local host in a folder.
2. Create a database mentioned in the connection files.
3. Import the sql files attached with .
4. Recheck the database and user name .
5. Execute the file .
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