Colors - FS 595
The FS 595 Color Standard
The Federal Standard 595 was originally created by the US General Services Administration.
The standard is a set of color shades, each with a unique five digit reference number. The first number defines the finish. The second number defines the color.
No | Finish |
1 | Gloss |
2 | Semi-gloss |
3 | Flat |
No | Color |
0 | Brown |
1 | Red |
2 | Orange |
3 | Yellow |
4 | Green |
5 | Blue |
6 | Gray |
7 | Other (White, Black, Metallic) |
8 | Fluorescent |
FS 595 Highway Colors
The numbers in parentheses are references to FS 596.
Hex | Color Name |
#633517 | (10055) Highway Brown |
#a6001a | (11086) Highway Red |
#e06000 | (12243) Highway Orange |
#ee9600 | (13415) School Bus Yellow |
#ffab00 | (13507) Highway Yellow |
#004d33 | (14066) Highway Green |
#00477e | (15065) Highway Blue |
The numbers in parentheses are references to FS 596.
The #hex values are non official approximate values intended to simulate highway colors in HTML.
FS 595 Safety Colors
Hex | Color Name |
#bd1e24 | (11120) Safety Red |
#e97600 | (12300) Safety Orange |
#f6c700 | (13591) Safety Yellow |
#007256 | (14120) Safety Green |
#0067a7 | (15092) Safety Blue |
#964f8e | (17155) Safety Purple |
The numbers in parentheses are references to FS 596.
The hex values are non official approximate values intended to simulate safety colors in HTML.
FS 595 ANA Colors (Army Navy Aero)
Hex | Color Name |
#09568d | (ANA 501) ANA Blue |
#172035 | (ANA 502) ANA Insignia Blue |
#457725 | (ANA 503) ANA Willow Green |
#686b69 | (ANA 504) ANA Olive Drab |
#ffbb00 | (ANA 505) ANA Lemon Yellow |
#f8a300 | (ANA 506) ANA Orange Yellow |
#f0c282 | (ANA 507) ANA Aircraft Cream |
#ce3500 | (ANA 508) ANA International Orange |
#901e1d | (ANA 509) ANA Insignia Red |
#421814 | (ANA 510) ANA Maroon |
#f0e9ee | (ANA 511) ANA Insignia White |
#a2a7ad | (ANA 512) ANA Aircraft Grey |
#47484a | (ANA 513) ANA Engine Gray |
#1c1d22 | (ANA 514) ANA Instrument Black |
#0b0b0d | (ANA 515) ANA Black |
#122b3e | (ANA 516) ANA Strata Blue |
The numbers in parentheses are references to FS 596.
The hex values are non official approximate values intended to simulate ANA colors in HTML.
<div style="color:#fff;background-color:#686b69">
<p>ANA Olive Drab</p>
Try It Yourself »
FS 595 Camouflage Colors
Hex | Color Name |
#594d45 | (30051) Camo brown |
#79533d | (30090) Camo red |
#595142 | (33070) Camo olive |
#745d46 | (33105) Camo field |
#ac7e54 | (33245) Camo earth |
#a9947b | (33303) Camo sand |
#b49d80 | (33446) Camo tan |
#bcab90 | (33510) Camo sandstone |
#535640 | (34082) Camo dark-green |
#54504b | (34086) Camo forest |
#63613e | (34089) Camo light-green |
#4a5444 | (34094) Camo green |
#5c5c5b | (36170) Camo dark-grey |
#9495a5 | (36300) Camo grey |
#373538 | (37030) Camo black |
The numbers in parentheses are references to FS 596.
The hex values are non official approximate values intended to simulate camouflage colors in HTML.
FS 595C
FS 595C is the latest known version of the FS 595 standard.
These hex values are non official approximate values intended to simulate FS 595C colors in HTML:
Hex | Color | Number |
#2a1610 | 10032 | |
#523f3e | 10045 | |
#421814 | Maroon 81352, ANA 510 | 10049 |
#633517 | DoT Highway Brown | 10055 |
#592e29 | 10075 | |
#712617 | Coast Guard Deck Red, Metallic Red-Brown | 10076 |
#553a28 | Seal Brown, NASA Safety Brown | 10080 |
#773517 | Dark Oak | 10091 |
#9e5d38 | 10115 | |
#926f5d | 10219 | |
#a46d63 | Cocoa Brown, National Parks Service 1 | 10233 |
#cba46a | 10260 | |
#aa824e | Middlestone | 10266 |
#af8d81 | 10324 | |
#c78d59 | Buff, TT-E-489 | 10371 |
#a6001a | DoT Highway Red | 11086 |
#a60117 | OSHA Safety Red/ DoT | 11105 |
#bd1e24 | OSHA Safety Red | 11120 |
#9b0a18 | Insignia Red, Carmine Red | 11136 |
#a7071c | OSHA Safety Red | 11140 |
#c8372e | 11302 | |
#b44441 | Post Office Red | 11310 |
#b83347 | 11328 | |
#a93d43 | Coast Guard Buoy Red | 11350 |
#d33723 | 11400 | |
#e5b6b9 | 11630 | |
#f7cab9 | Peach | 11670 |
#ac543b | Orange-Brown | 12160 |
#ce3500 | International Orange, ANA 508 | 12197 |
#e62200 | Coast Guard Red #40 | 12199 |
#d34b0c | 12215 | |
#e06000 | DoT Highway Orange | 12243 |
#dc4a00 | OSHA Safety Orange | 12246 |
#db4e3b | Coast Guard Orange | 12250 |
#e97600 | OSHA Safety Orange | 12300 |
#eb6602 | 12473 | |
#ecbf9e | 12648 | |
#b4823a | Post Office Yellow | 13275 |
#ee9600 | School Bus Yellow | 13415 |
#f49600 | 13432 | |
#ffab00 | DoT Highway Yellow | 13507 |
#ceb6a0 | 13522 | |
#dbb883 | 13523 | |
#d3b6a4 | Beige | 13531 |
#f8a300 | DoT Highway Yellow, ANA 506 | 13538 |
#dcc2a4 | Warm Gray | 13578 |
#f6c700 | OSHA Safety Yellow | 13591 |
#f0c282 | Aircraft Cream, ANA 507 | 13594 |
#e5bc7f | 13596 | |
#f0c8a6 | Buff | 13613 |
#f5c964 | Postal Service Cream | 13618 |
#e0a816 | 13637 | |
#ffbb00 | OSHA Safety Yellow, ANA 505 | 13655 |
#ded560 | Yellow-Green | 13670 |
#ead1b5 | Park Service Cream | 13690 |
#f6cb82 | Ivory, Forest Service | 13695 |
#eecdae | 13711 | |
#172e29 | 14036 | |
#343730 | Army Green, NATO Green | 14050 |
#35352b | Marine Green #23 | 14052 |
#29332f | 14056 | |
#0f482e | Deep Green | 14062 |
#3f3b2f | 14064 | |
#004d33 | DoT Highway Green | 14066 |
#383e37 | 14077 | |
#434333 | 14079 | |
#525347 | Sikorsky Green | 14081 |
#2d271a | 14084 | |
#2e271a | 14087 | |
#006539 | 14090 | |
#53593e | 14097 | |
#005139 | DoT Highway Green | 14109 |
#18622d | NASA Safety Medium Green | 14110 |
#006d4e | 14115 | |
#007256 | OSHA Safety Green | 14120 |
#5f6c6d | 14158 | |
#686d64 | 14159 | |
#457725 | Oxygen Tank Green, ANA 503 | 14187 |
#2f9254 | Coast Guard Green | 14193 |
#528060 | 14223 | |
#7d9792 | 14241 | |
#8f8156 | 14255 | |
#8b845c | 14257 | |
#569376 | OSHA Safety Green | 14260 |
#6f947a | 14272 | |
#819290 | 14277 | |
#79a196 | 14325 | |
#a2b398 | 14449 | |
#a7b8aa | 14491 | |
#b1beb5 | 14516 | |
#abb593 | 14533 | |
#d1d2bf | Army Admin Vehicles | 14672 |
#002d30 | Sea Blue, Teal Blue, ANA 623 | 15042 |
#172035 | Dark Blue, Insignia Blue, ANA 502 | 15044 |
#122b3e | Strata Blue, Air Force Blue, ANA 516 | 15045 |
#3c485c | Post Office Dark Blue | 15048 |
#123057 | Post Office Box | 15050 |
#3a5174 | Post Office Medium Blue | 15052 |
#3e476a | 15055 | |
#16216a | 15056 | |
#00477e | DoT Highway Blue | 15065 |
#0f4267 | Handicap Blue | 15080 |
#004472 | DoT Highway Blue | 15090 |
#0067a7 | OSHA Safety Blue | 15092 |
#3b6ba5 | Post Office Light Blue | 15095 |
#09568d | OSHA Safety Blue, ANA 501 | 15102 |
#557792 | 15107 | |
#2c5da3 | Bright Blue | 15123 |
#006088 | 15125 | |
#547495 | Clear Blue | 15177 |
#0065b1 | Blue, 85285 | 15180 |
#0073ad | Coast Guard Blue | 15182 |
#0090c7 | 15187 | |
#4a808f | Light Blue | 15193 |
#47add5 | 15200 | |
#8eb1d6 | 15450 | |
#adbbcc | 15526 | |
#5b606a | Coast Guard Deck Gray | 16076 |
#47484a | Dark Gray, ANA 513 | 16081 |
#494f58 | Coast Guard Blue Gray | 16099 |
#806947 | 16160 | |
#706a5d | 16165 | |
#647489 | Mechanic Gray Navy Standard | 16187 |
#848288 | 16251 | |
#95928f | Machinery Gray | 16307 |
#929396 | 16314 | |
#908472 | 16350 | |
#a79e92 | 16357 | |
#afa396 | 16360 | |
#a19d99 | 16376 | |
#c3b4a4 | Parchment | 16405 |
#b5afaf | Light Gray 85285, 81352 | 16440 |
#a2a7ad | Aircraft Gray, NASA, ANA 512 | 16473 |
#adbab5 | Canada 501-109 | 16480 |
#bfb9bb | Dawn Gray | 16492 |
#c2bfc6 | Boeing Gray 707 | 16515 |
#cebca6 | 16555 | |
#0b0b0d | OSHA Black, ANA 515, 622 | 17038 |
#8e763e | 17043 | |
#683c72 | 17100 | |
#994680 | OSHA Safety Purple | 17142 |
#964f8e | OSHA Safety Purple | 17155 |
#92909a | Silver/ International Aluminum | 17178 |
#e3e3e4 | Blue White | 17773 |
#f0e1d3 | 17778 | |
#f4dfc5 | 17855 | |
#ece6ea | Coast Guard White | 17860 |
#e2e5e3 | Hawker Beechcraft White | 17865 |
#f0e9ee | Insignia White, ANA 511 | 17875 |
#e5efe9 | Coast Guard White | 17877 |
#f6eae6 | Bone White | 17886 |
#faeff5 | Untinted White | 17925 |
#42332a | 20040 | |
#544040 | 20045 | |
#503832 | Forest Service Sign Standard | 20059 |
#603335 | 20061 | |
#493937 | 20062 | |
#594f47 | Brown 356 | 20065 |
#5d5343 | Madeira 1957 | 20068 |
#685240 | Highland 480 | 20090 |
#705b4b | 20095 | |
#85482b | 20100 | |
#833e33 | F.S. Seminal Brown | 20109 |
#7c503a | 20117 | |
#6b462f | 20122 | |
#7c5e50 | 20140 | |
#776550 | Coyote 476/498 | 20150 |
#8c372e | 20152 | |
#7d5947 | Light Brown 493 | 20155 |
#7e6c5b | Olive Mohave | 20170 |
#7f7260 | Tan 499 | 20180 |
#967070 | 20206 | |
#92705c | 20219 | |
#8e7c6c | Light Coyote 481 | 20220 |
#9b7d6f | 20227 | |
#a56f68 | 20233 | |
#b47160 | Rose | 20252 |
#cda367 | 20260 | |
#a8844c | 20266 | |
#9d8c85 | Urban Tan 478 | 20270 |
#ad8d84 | 20313 | |
#a8937e | 20318 | |
#b19b8b | Tan | 20372 |
#cd9a71 | 20400 | |
#c7a595 | 20450 | |
#c0b6a2 | Mushroom | 20460 |
#cdb090 | Saudi Color #11, (SANG) | 20475 |
#b20013 | 21105 | |
#9a141d | 21136 | |
#bc465a | 21158 | |
#c53633 | 21302 | |
#d3341f | 21400 | |
#cd9284 | 21433 | |
#e6b4a7 | 21575 | |
#eeccba | 21643 | |
#efcbb1 | 21667 | |
#efc9ca | 21668 | |
#f3c8b8 | 21670 | |
#a7452e | 22144 | |
#d82907 | 22190 | |
#bd5232 | 22203 | |
#de511c | 22246 | |
#c96c55 | 22276 | |
#db7868 | 22356 | |
#ff6600 | 22510 | |
#df9471 | Light Orange Brown | 22516 |
#dcaf9a | Rosewood | 22519 |
#f89243 | 22544 | |
#ddb79e | Beachwood | 22563 |
#eabfa7 | Buff | 22630 |
#f1c3a8 | Buff | 22648 |
#ba843d | 23275 | |
#7d776a | Khaki 475 | 23420 |
#9a8e79 | Khaki P1 | 23430 |
#9c917d | Light Khaki 494 | 23435 |
#bb9e7a | 23448 | |
#ceb5a0 | 23522 | |
#bfb4ac | Desert Sand 500/503 | 23525 |
#b4a6a0 | Light Tan 479 | 23530 |
#d3b8a5 | Light Mushroom Navy | 23531 |
#fda800 | 23538 | |
#dec5a0 | 23564 | |
#dac3a7 | 23578 | |
#f1c386 | 23594 | |
#edc6a3 | Buff | 23613 |
#ddc3b0 | 23617 | |
#e7c6a3 | 23619 | |
#f7b800 | Yellow 13655 | 23640 |
#ffc000 | 23655 | |
#eadba7 | 23685 | |
#e8cfb4 | 23690 | |
#f7cb85 | Forest Service Sign Standard | 23695 |
#f4ce88 | Sunglow | 23697 |
#f2d2b1 | 23711 | |
#eed4b8 | 23717 | |
#ecd2ac | 23722 | |
#f1d8ab | 23727 | |
#f3cd46 | 23785 | |
#f8e28f | 23793 | |
#e5dfa0 | 23814 | |
#3b3b33 | Marine Green #23 | 24052 |
#423e33 | 24064 | |
#3c4541 | Army Green 491 | 24070 |
#4a493d | 24079 | |
#383125 | 24084 | |
#373024 | 24087 | |
#574f4f | 24091 | |
#545a42 | 24097 | |
#5c5734 | 24098 | |
#345b47 | 24108 | |
#4c594a | Dark Green 355 | 24111 |
#536158 | Green 474 | 24112 |
#685a3a | Marine OD Green | 24120 |
#546a6e | 24148 | |
#606b6e | 24158 | |
#6c7067 | 24159 | |
#686b69 | Foliage Green 502/504 | 24165 |
#61705e | 24172 | |
#847761 | 24201 | |
#7e755e | Light Green 354 | 24210 |
#7a8377 | 24226 | |
#748669 | 24227 | |
#798a8d | 24233 | |
#7f9894 | 24241 | |
#61947c | 24260 | |
#6a9076 | MIL-P-24441 Primer | 24272 |
#819190 | 24277 | |
#82988f | 24300 | |
#77a095 | 24325 | |
#99a590 | 24373 | |
#a0ada4 | 24410 | |
#a9aea0 | 24417 | |
#acab99 | 24424 | |
#abada2 | 24432 | |
#aab29c | 24441 | |
#a0b195 | 24449 | |
#9fb39f | 24466 | |
#a6b9ad | 24491 | |
#abb7a4 | 24504 | |
#b1bcb2 | Clipper Blue | 24516 |
#abb7ac | 24518 | |
#b2bca8 | 24525 | |
#acb693 | Seafoam Green, Navy | 24533 |
#cdc486 | 24552 | |
#d3ceb9 | 24554 | |
#bcc8b0 | 24558 | |
#c6d4b6 | 24583 | |
#c9dac7 | Postal Green | 24585 |
#c0d1bf | 24664 | |
#cfd5cc | 24670 | |
#d3d5c0 | 24672 | |
#262f39 | Blue Sea, ANA 606 | 25042 |
#1d3044 | 25045 | |
#3c3b40 | 25049 | |
#383e58 | Army Blue 450 | 25051 |
#253b5a | Royal Blue | 25053 |
#16226c | 25056 | |
#3a435d | Army Blue 451 | 25060 |
#205485 | 25102 | |
#436480 | 25109 | |
#576f94 | 25177 | |
#1c70ae | 25183 | |
#447998 | 25184 | |
#687d8d | 25189 | |
#5883a3 | 25190 | |
#508190 | 25193 | |
#5490c4 | Electrical Blue | 25230 |
#79838f | 25237 | |
#748cb9 | 25240 | |
#6f9c9d | 25299 | |
#889ba0 | 25352 | |
#8fa7ad | 25414 | |
#85afc7 | Admiral Blue | 25440 |
#99b4da | 25488 | |
#b1bcce | Pastel Blue | 25526 |
#cdd6e9 | 25550 | |
#d0d2d3 | 25622 | |
#dad3d8 | Carl Vinson Blue | 25630 |
#464850 | Exterior Deck Gray | 26008 |
#2f353f | 26044 | |
#4b4c50 | Sea Plane Gray, ANA 625 | 26081 |
#54433e | 26120 | |
#615b5f | 26122 | |
#636269 | Slate Gray | 26132 |
#686566 | Gray, Filing Cabinet | 26134 |
#666971 | 26152 | |
#757684 | Ocean Gray, NAVSEA | 26173 |
#6b7283 | Ocean Gray | 26176 |
#70757d | 26187 | |
#7f8089 | 26231 | |
#82858a | 26250 | |
#88868c | 26251 | |
#80838d | Dark Gray 509 | 26255 |
#848584 | Urban Gray 501/505 | 26260 |
#878892 | Interior Haze Gray | 26270 |
#8d8c90 | 26280 | |
#8c8f98 | Gray 26270 | 26290 |
#908f97 | 26293 | |
#9d9fae | Gray 510 | 26295 |
#9c8d88 | Sand Gray | 26306 |
#94918d | Bulkhead Machinery Gray #30 | 26307 |
#919397 | 26314 | |
#8e9aa3 | 26329 | |
#a49d96 | 26357 | |
#aea396 | 26360 | |
#a4a3ad | Light Gray #37 | 26373 |
#9fa5b3 | Medium Gray 508 | 26380 |
#d0c0ad | Yellow Gray | 26400 |
#bdafa1 | 26405 | |
#beb7b1 | 26408 | |
#b3afac | DLA | 26420 |
#c1b2b0 | 26424 | |
#b2acae | 26440 | |
#aebbb5 | Canada 501-109 | 26480 |
#bfbabd | 26492 | |
#bcb8c0 | Pearl Gray | 26493 |
#b4b0ac | Green Gray | 26496 |
#cab6af | 26521 | |
#d1bfa9 | 26555 | |
#c7beb7 | Parchment | 26559 |
#d1c2b0 | 26586 | |
#c6c0bb | 26595 | |
#cbc2c1 | 26622 | |
#cbcfd9 | Light Gray 507 | 26630 |
#1c1d22 | ANA 514 | 27038 |
#222227 | Filing Cabinet Black | 27040 |
#39383a | Black | 27041 |
#967d46 | Gold | 27043 |
#9a477d | 27142 | |
#515fc1 | 27144 | |
#e5d9d5 | 27722 | |
#e6d3c4 | Parchment | 27769 |
#efe1d5 | Candlelight | 27778 |
#f2e5df | 27780 | |
#e8ddba | 27855 | |
#f2ebf0 | ANA 626 | 27875 |
#fbeeec | 27880 | |
#f3f2e7 | White 506 | 27885 |
#f9ece7 | 27886 | |
#f9f0f7 | 27925 | |
#ff0900 | 28913 | |
#ff4b00 | 28915 | |
#524641 | 30040 | |
#584645 | 30045 | |
#594d45 | Brown 383 Camo | 30051 |
#5e4d43 | Earth Brown Camo | 30097 |
#685347 | Earth Brown | 30099 |
#60443b | Walnut Brown | 30108 |
#874840 | Dull Red, ANA 618 | 30109 |
#724a46 | Maroon Olympic Russet, Park Service Brown | 30111 |
#7f5745 | International Brown | 30117 |
#705a43 | Field Drab Camo, ANA 617 | 30118 |
#7e5d4d | International Brown | 30140 |
#81634e | Butternut Stain | 30145 |
#7c424f | 30160 | |
#864b45 | 30166 | |
#976f6f | 30206 | |
#96674a | 30215 | |
#987563 | Sierra Tan, ANA 628 | 30219 |
#9b7d72 | 30227 | |
#a46f67 | 30233 | |
#b47360 | Rust Red | 30252 |
#bd8e60 | Earth Yellow | 30257 |
#a98652 | Tan, ANA 615 | 30266 |
#9e8a75 | Sand | 30277 |
#b19083 | Desert Sand, ANA 616 | 30279 |
#b08e84 | Desert Sand | 30313 |
#ae8e83 | Desert Sand CAMO | 30315 |
#ab957f | 30318 | |
#b09185 | Desert Sand | 30324 |
#af9a8a | 30372 | |
#caa898 | Beige | 30450 |
#79533d | Earth Red CAMO | 31090 |
#a0333a | International Red, CARC Aircraft Red, ANA 619 | 31136 |
#bd4255 | International Light Red | 31158 |
#d04032 | 31400 | |
#d28586 | 31433 | |
#e4b2a3 | 31575 | |
#f0acb7 | 31638 | |
#ebc9b9 | 31643 | |
#f0cbb2 | Tan | 31667 |
#ebc8c9 | 31668 | |
#f5c9d1 | 31669 | |
#f2c9bb | 31670 | |
#af5438 | 32169 | |
#e85e31 | Navy Torpedo | 32246 |
#ce705a | 32276 | |
#db7868 | 32356 | |
#e77543 | 32473 | |
#dc946f | 32516 | |
#e28563 | Navair Flat Orange #1 | 32540 |
#fb9756 | 32544 | |
#fda85e | 32555 | |
#e8bda4 | 32630 | |
#f1c4a5 | 32648 | |
#595142 | Olive Drab CAMO | 33070 |
#745d46 | Field Drab Camo | 33105 |
#ac7e54 | Earth Yellow Camo | 33245 |
#a9947b | Sand Camo | 33303 |
#d69c50 | 33434 | |
#9f825b | Green Gold Stain | 33440 |
#b49d80 | Tan 686A Camo | 33446 |
#bea07d | 33448 | |
#d1af4d | 33481 | |
#bcab90 | Dark Sandstone Camo | 33510 |
#cfb69f | Tan | 33522 |
#d2b7a7 | Sand | 33531 |
#ffaa07 | International Yellow, Traffic Yellow, ANA 614 | 33538 |
#dac39c | 33564 | |
#d9c2a7 | 33578 | |
#eec6a5 | 33613 | |
#e1c7b7 | Sand, TT-P-47 | 33617 |
#edb750 | 33637 | |
#ffbf00 | 33655 | |
#e8d8a6 | 33685 | |
#eed2b5 | Very Light Sand | 33690 |
#fad08d | 33695 | |
#ffcf6b | 33696 | |
#efcfae | 33711 | |
#edd3ba | Tan | 33717 |
#ecd1af | 33722 | |
#f1d7ac | 33727 | |
#f9e58c | 33793 | |
#fadea4 | 33798 | |
#e6e3a0 | 33814 | |
#4a4444 | Aircraft Green Camo | 34031 |
#484743 | Marine Green #23 | 34052 |
#2f4f52 | Dark Blue Green | 34058 |
#514d4b | Olive Drab 85285 | 34064 |
#4c4d43 | Army Forest Green, ANA 631 | 34079 |
#535640 | Dark green Camo | 34082 |
#504e44 | Air Force Forest Green | 34083 |
#49433c | Dark green Camo | 34084 |
#54504b | Army Forest Green Camo | 34086 |
#473f37 | Olive Drab CARC | 34088 |
#63613e | Light Green CAMO | 34089 |
#14764e | 34090 | |
#46554f | Gunship Green, ANA 612 | 34092 |
#4a5444 | Green 383 Camo | 34094 |
#4c5037 | Field Green | 34095 |
#545447 | 34096 | |
#575c45 | Field Green ANA 627 | 34097 |
#635d41 | 34098 | |
#565845 | Dark Green | 34102 |
#39604b | International Dark Green, Navy Torpedo | 34108 |
#645f40 | Light Green CAMO | 34127 |
#586553 | 34128 | |
#4c4e43 | Navair Flat Green #2 | 34129 |
#5d583c | Munsell Color 10Y3/3 | 34130 |
#517845 | 34138 | |
#586c6e | 34148 | |
#65623c | Interior Green TT-P-1757, ANA 611 | 34151 |
#5f6b6e | Blue Drab | 34158 |
#676c63 | 34159 | |
#686664 | Foliage Green | 34160 |
#4f5149 | Navair Flat Green #1 | 34170 |
#827660 | 34201 | |
#798175 | NASA Primer | 34226 |
#748567 | 34227 | |
#4c934f | 34230 | |
#788a8f | 34233 | |
#809993 | 34241 | |
#87885e | 34258 | |
#847536 | 34259 | |
#6c9178 | 34272 | |
#7e918f | Sea Mist Green | 34277 |
#81978f | 34300 | |
#769e92 | 34325 | |
#6fc7b0 | Forest Service Green | 34350 |
#98a48d | Sagebrush | 34373 |
#99a9a1 | 34410 | |
#b1baaa | 34414 | |
#acac9a | ANA 610 | 34424 |
#a9aca0 | 34432 | |
#a8b09a | 34441 | |
#9fb396 | International Light Green | 34449 |
#aabaab | 34491 | |
#afbaa8 | 34504 | |
#afbcb1 | 34516 | |
#abb8b0 | 34518 | |
#b5bc98 | 34524 | |
#aeba99 | 34533 | |
#99ca85 | 34540 | |
#d0c58a | 34552 | |
#ceccb7 | Public Building Standard | 34554 |
#bac7ad | International Light Green | 34558 |
#bcb9a0 | 34583 | |
#d7e0a8 | 34666 | |
#ccd2c9 | 34670 | |
#d1d3be | Pastel Blue | 34672 |
#373a42 | Sea Blue, ANA 607 | 35042 |
#363848 | Aircraft Insignia Blue, ANA 605 | 35044 |
#324052 | 35045 | |
#24357d | 35056 | |
#37647e | International Light Blue | 35109 |
#646e83 | Navy Blue 212, ANA 608 | 35164 |
#587594 | 35177 | |
#056cb9 | 35180 | |
#1373af | 35183 | |
#637d8b | 35189 | |
#5683a5 | 35190 | |
#4c8392 | 35193 | |
#7284b7 | ANA 609 | 35231 |
#7c8592 | Blue Gray | 35237 |
#748fbd | 35240 | |
#4e9bd7 | UN Flag Blue | 35250 |
#45abc9 | Forest Service Blue | 35260 |
#2699a9 | 35275 | |
#6b9a99 | 35299 | |
#899da4 | 35352 | |
#94a8ab | Blue Green | 35414 |
#88acd1 | 35450 | |
#7bc2e7 | 35466 | |
#98b0d2 | 35488 | |
#afbacc | 35526 | |
#c9d2e4 | 35550 | |
#c8cfce | 35622 | |
#d8d2d6 | 35630 | |
#4a4c57 | Navy Gray #2, Dark Gray | 36076 |
#4e4f54 | Deep Gray, F-4 Aircraft | 36081 |
#525660 | Dark Blue Gray | 36099 |
#5b5e6a | Gunship Gray, ANA 603 | 36118 |
#686b73 | 36152 | |
#5c5c5b | Camouflage Gray | 36170 |
#747683 | Ocean Gray, NAVSEA | 36173 |
#6b7282 | Ocean Gray | 36176 |
#7e7e87 | International Gray, Aircraft Gray #23, ANA 621 | 36231 |
#848388 | 36251 | |
#858691 | Haze Gray | 36270 |
#8c8b90 | 36280 | |
#8f8d96 | 36293 | |
#9495a5 | Aircraft Gray Camo | 36300 |
#a2928d | 36306 | |
#979392 | Bulkhead Gray | 36307 |
#929396 | 36314 | |
#8f94a6 | 36320 | |
#a59d97 | 36357 | |
#a6a6af | 36373 | |
#9fa1b2 | Medium Gray | 36375 |
#c1b3a4 | 36405 | |
#c1aa97 | Beige Gray Stain | 36415 |
#beafac | 36424 | |
#b0aaad | Light Gray 81352, ANA 602, 620 | 36440 |
#aaa8af | 36463 | |
#a6aab1 | 36473 | |
#aab7b2 | Canada 501-109 | 36480 |
#bcb6be | 36492 | |
#cac8d2 | 36495 | |
#cebab2 | 36521 | |
#d0bca4 | Beige | 36555 |
#c4bab1 | 36559 | |
#cfc2b5 | 36586 | |
#c8c0bd | 36595 | |
#d0c6c7 | 36622 | |
#d4cfd5 | 36628 | |
#e7cec2 | 36642 | |
#373538 | Black Camo | 37030 |
#343337 | Interior Aircraft Black | 37031 |
#343236 | International Black, Navy #3 Black, ANA 604 | 37038 |
#493f3e | 37056 | |
#6e4177 | 37100 | |
#974a80 | 37142 | |
#815c89 | 37144 | |
#dacac3 | 37150 | |
#97939a | 37200 | |
#e9dbd5 | 37722 | |
#dfccbf | 37769 | |
#f0dfd0 | 37778 | |
#f5e4c8 | Eggshell, Ivory | 37855 |
#f1eaee | International White, Aircraft White, Insignia White, ANA 601 | 37875 |
#f7eae4 | 37886 | |
#fbf1fb | 37925 | |
#00a43b | 38901 | |
#ff5400 | 38903 | |
#ff0d21 | 38905 | |
#ffbf00 | 38907 |
![]() |
Some confusing names, errors and duplicates also exist in the original. |