Reverse words in a String

This program reverses every word of a string and display the reversed string as an output. For example, if we input a string as "Reverse the word of this string" then the output of the program would be: "esrever eht drow fo siht gnirts".

public class Example
   public void reverseWordInMyString(String str)
	/* The split() method of String class splits
	 * a string in several strings based on the
	 * delimiter passed as an argument to it
	String[] words = str.split(" ");
	String reversedString = "";
	for (int i = 0; i < words.length; i++)
           String word = words[i]; 
           String reverseWord = "";
           for (int j = word.length()-1; j >= 0; j--) 
		/* The charAt() function returns the character
		 * at the given position in a string
		reverseWord = reverseWord + word.charAt(j);
	   reversedString = reversedString + reverseWord + " ";
   public static void main(String[] args) 
	Example obj = new Example();
	obj.reverseWordInMyString("This is an easy Java Program");


This is an easy Java Program
sihT si na ysae avaJ margorP

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