Introduction Curriculum Vitae Linear Model Formal Communication

Communication Skills Introduction

Communication is a key element in any human activity. Communication is a learned skill. However, while most people are born with the physical ability to talk, not all can communicate well unless they make special efforts to develop and refine this communication skill. Very often, we take the ease with which we communicate with each other for granted, so much so that we sometimes forget how complex the communication process actually is. Communication takes place when we are supposedly at the same level of understanding and comprehension as other interlocutors. Common forms of communication include speaking, writing, gestures, touch, using pictures and broadcasting. Communication is therefore not what is said whether verbally or non-verbally, but what is understood.

Communication is a word derived from the Latin word communis or commūnicāre, which means to make common‘ or to share‘. Communication is the act of conveying intended meaning to another person through the use of mutually understood signs and language. Communication is the art of transmitting information, ideas and attitudes from one person to another.

Communication is the process of meaningful interaction among human beings. The basic steps of communication are: the forming of communicative intent, message composition, message encoding, and transmission of signal, reception of signal, message decoding and finally interpretation of the message by the recipient.

Communication is simply the act of transferring information from one place to another. When you call or talk verbally to your friend, then you are said to be communicating with your friend.

Characteristics of Communication

Communication is a process: Communication is a 2 way process which involves; listening to others (Receiving) message Asserting/Expressing (Sending).

Communication is a dynamic: it is ever changing depending on the variables at play.

Communication is a complex a process.

Communication is a two-way process of reaching mutual understanding, in which participants not only exchange (encode-decode) information but also create and share meaning.

Communication involves the sharing of information using a code.

Communication occurs between people and sometimes animals

Communication is irreversible: once one has communicated something it cannot be recalled back.

Communication is a system

Communication must have the elements of communication: Source, receiver, channel, message, noise, feedback.

Communication can be verbal/ non verbal or visual.

Communication can be accidental especially in non-verbal

Functions of communication

To change in behavior

To influence others

To express our thoughts and emotions through words & actions.

It is a tool for controlling and motivating people.

It is a social and emotional process.

Communication for improving self-confidence



Establish relationships


Solve problems

Make orders

Give directions

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Communication Elements

Listeninng Barriers

Effective Listening

Effective Reading

Organizational Communication

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