Maps API MapOptions Object

Map() Constructor Map() Constructor


Specify properties/options for a map:

var mapOpt = {
  center:new google.maps.LatLng(51.508742,-0.120850),
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Definition and Usage

The MapOptions object holds the map initialization variables/options.


var mapOpt = {

Properties of MapOptions

Property Type Description
backgroundColor string Specifies a background color for the Map <div>
center LatLng Required. Specifies the default map center
disableDefaultUI boolean Enables/Disables all default controls
disableDoubleClickZoom boolean Enables/Disables zoom and center on double-click
draggable boolean False prevents the map from being dragged. Default is true
draggableCursor string Specifies the name/URL of the cursor to display on a draggable object
draggingCursor string Specifies the name/URL of the cursor to display when an object is dragging
heading number Specifies the heading for aerial imagery in degrees
keyboardShortcuts boolean False prevents the map from being controlled by the keybord. Default is true
mapMaker boolean True if Map Maker tiles should be used instead of regular tiles
mapTypeControl boolean Specifies the default enabled/disabled state of the Map type control
mapTypeControlOptions MapTypeControlOptions The default display options for the Map type control
mapTypeId MapTypeId Required. The default map type
maxZoom number The maximum zoom level for the map
minZoom number The minimum zoom level for the map
noClear boolean If true, do not clear the contents of the Map <div>
overviewMapControl boolean The enabled/disabled state of the Overview Map control
overviewMapControlOptions OverviewMapControlOptions The display options for the Overview Map control
panControl boolean The enabled/disabled state of the Pan control
panControlOptions PanControlOptions The display options for the Pan control
rotateControl boolean The enabled/disabled state of the Rotate control
rotateControlOptions RotateControlOptions The display options for the Rotate control
scaleControl boolean The default enabled/disabled state of the Scale control
scaleControlOptions ScaleControlOptions The default display options for the Scale control
scrollwheel boolean False disables scrollwheel zooming on the map. Default is true
streetView StreetViewPanorama A StreetViewPanorama to display when the Street View pegman is dropped on the map
streetViewControl boolean The default enabled/disabled state of the Street View Pegman control
streetViewControlOptions StreetViewControlOptions The default display options for the Street View Pegman control
styles Array.<MapStyleType> Styles to apply to each of the default map types
tilt number The angle of incidence of the map as measured in degrees from the viewport plane to the map plane (0 and 45)
zoom number Required. The default Map zoom level
zoomControl boolean The enabled/disabled state of the Zoom control
zoomControlOptions ZoomControlOptions The display options for the Zoom control

Map() Constructor Map() Constructor